Berlin discusses possible reparation payments over massacre of tens of thousands of people in early years of 20th century
Indigenous chief to Trudeau: Turn over residential school records
Experts say the 200 likely graves at Kamloops Indian Residential School are only the beginning.
Indigenous Peoples Day
Abolish Columbus Day
Indigenous Peoples Day Campaign
The Truth About Thanksgiving (And Why It Perpetuates Suffering)
I’d like to preface this by saying I am not a fan of Thanksgiving.
Worse Than Tuskegee

Left: The syphilitic chancre of a female psychiatric subject who was exposed to syphilis twice and after some treatment passed away. Right: Lawsuit plaintiff Frederico Ramos, age 91, sits on the porch of his son's house in San Agustín Acasaguastlán, Guatemala, Sept. 3, 2016.
Seventy years ago, American researchers infected Guatemalans with syphilis and gonorrhea, then left without treating them. Their families are still waiting for help.