Were it not for a fortuitous, albeit innocuous, picture spotted today – a connection would never have been possible. As such, please consider this outline an important addendum to The Benghazi Brief…. and bear with me as we attempt to outline something quite remarkable as it relates to the 2016 campaign against Donald Trump.
US-Daesh Cooperation ‘Makes Sense’ Through Lens of Washington's Broader Plans
The Pentagon has denied assisting Daesh in Syria after the Russian Defense Ministry accused Washington of being "the main obstacle" to defeating the terrorist group in the war-torn country.
Dan Halutz
Dan Halutz (Hebrew דן חלוץ); born August 7, 1948) is an Israeli Air Force lieutenant general and former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces and commander of the Israeli Air Force. Halutz served as chief of staff in 2005–2007.
Photostory: Khiam Detention Camp

Al-Khiam detention camp is built on a hill overlooking the town of Khiam. Inside a complex first built by the French in the 1930s, new detention and interrogation facilities have been built. (Arjan El Fassed)
Khiam prison was a detention and interrogation camp during the years of the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon. From 1985 until the Israeli defeat in May 2000, Lebanese and Palestinian detainees were held in Khiam without trial. Most of them were brutally tortured - some of them died.
The Lasalin massacre and the human rights crisis in Haiti
An investigation has found out that the 13 November 2018 attack on Lasalin was government-orchestrated and was executed by the police in collaboration with criminal elements