Nasrallah’s assassination a “full-fledged terrorist act”

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Khalil al-Hayya, deputy chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, has condemned the assassination of Hezbollah secretary-general Hasan Nasrallah and his comrades as a “full-fledged terrorist act” and a “violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty,” warning that such a crime will expand the circle of the Israeli aggression in the region.

Khalil al-Hayya, deputy chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, has condemned the assassination of Hezbollah secretary-general Hasan Nasrallah and his comrades as a “full-fledged terrorist act” and a “violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty,” warning that such a crime will expand the circle of the Israeli aggression in the region.

In recorded remarks on Saturday, Hayya affirmed that the Zionist regime’s occupation’s crimes would not succeed in breaking the resistance’s will, but rather they would lead to “another stage of sacred revenge for the martyrs.”

“Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah was martyred after a life full of sacrifice and resistance, during which his son and loved ones were also martyred. Nothing had weakened him, so he continued to work in all arenas in defense of this nation’s dignity and sovereignty, especially Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque,” Hayya said.

“Martyr Hasan Nasrallah left behind strong men, who will continue to hold his banner and complete the march towards Jerusalem,” Hayya added.

“We know our brothers in Hezbollah well, and we are confident in their ability to quickly organize their ranks and uphold the same path that had been followed by Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah,” the Hamas leader stressed.

“The Zionist enemy will not be able to create any vacuum in Hezbollah’s leadership institutions,” he expressed his belief.