Children as young as babies were stolen from their families to be placed in girls' and boys' homes, foster families, or missions
One of the darkest chapters of Australian history was the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families.
Children as young as babies were stolen from their families to be placed in girls' and boys' homes, foster families, or missions
One of the darkest chapters of Australian history was the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families.
Aboriginal Elder Nancy Hill-Wood from Sydney holds a protest banner in front of Old Parliamnt House on February 11, 2008 in Canberra, Australia. [Andrew Sheargold/Getty Images]
One of the arguments of the Waitangi Tribunal claim in New Zealand, brought by Auckland University law lecturer Andrew Erueti,
The Yemenite Children Affair (Hebrew: פרשת ילדי תימן, romanized:
The Stolen Generations refers to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were removed from their families between 1910 and 1970.
It is Israel’s darkest secret – or so argues one Israeli journalist – in a country whose short history
The Stolen Generations refers to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who