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Buchaechum (Fan Dance) A traditional form of Korean dance usually performed by groups of female dancers

 Korean people have inherited a great variety of folk dances such as salpurichum (spiritual purification dance), gutchum (shamanic ritual dance), taepyeongmu (dance of peace)

Read more: North Korea Folk Dance

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Performance of Yeomillak (“Joy of the People”) court music composed during the reign of King Sejong in the 15th century

 The term gugak, which literally means “national music,” refers to traditional Korean music and other related art forms including songs, dances, and ceremonial movements.

Read more: North Korea Gugak

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Slaughter of Helpless Afghans

  The findings of a four-year military inquiry paint a brutal picture of a special forces culture of rewarding the killing of innocents and prisoners and methodically covering it up.

Read more: Blood Lust and Demigods: Behind an Australian...

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